JSAP Tokai New Frontier Research International Workshop
March 2 (Sun.), 2025
FUJI Hall, EI Building, Nagoya University, Japan
Sponsored by Tokai Chapter, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
JSAP Tokai New Frontier Research International Workshop will be held in EI-building, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan, on March 2, 2025, for young researchers, as the culmination of the Tokai New Frontier Research Workshop (NFRW; the 55th-anniversary project of the JSAP Tokai Chapter) and as a satellite workshop of ISPlasma2025/IC-PLANTS2025 Session.
FUJI Hall, EI Building, Nagoya University (Higashiyama Campus), Japan
>>Access information to Nagoya University (Higashiyama Champas)
~ISPlasma2025/IC-PLANTS2025 Session~
Meng-Jiy Wang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
"Three-dimensional plasma sheath lenses"
Eugen Stamate (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
"Multilayer Self-Aligned Ge Nanodot Formation and Its Vertical Alignment Control"
Wei-Chen Wen (IHP, Germany)
~JSAP Tokai Session~
"Plasma activated solutions and their applications"
Masafumi Ito (Meijo University, Japan)
"Synthesis of various silicide nanostructures, thin films, and bulk crystals via the reactive deposition technique"
Hirokazu Tatsuoka (Shizuoka University, Japan)
"Plasma-assisted surface engineering for manufacturing/plants/mechanical components"
Hiroyuki Kousaka (Gifu University, Japan)
Time Schedule
10:00-11:30 [A: ISPlasma2025/IC-PLANTS2025 Session]
11:30-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:30 [B: Poster Session]
Poster List
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:30 [C: JSAP Tokai Session]
16:30-16:40 Closing Remarks & Group Photo
Registration fee: free of charge
Now, we are accepting the submission of the Poster Presentation. Please register the information via the following form:
URL: https://forms.gle/hU3xDfkEXPq5J6SK7
Deadline: February 14 (Fri.), 2025 (CLOSED)
Organizing Committee:
Masafumi Ito (Chair, Meijo University, Japan)
Takashi Itoh (Vice Chair, Gifu University, Japan)
Steering Committee:
Masashi Kurosawa (Chair, Nagoya University, Japan)
Members of JSAP Tokai NFRW
Program Committee:
Katsunori Makihara (Chair, Nagoya University, Japan)
Members of JSAP Tokai NFRW